Burnley Boys and Girls Club is more than just a youth club or a childminding service. It is a family-centred organisation and a safe place where we will support each and every family unit in any way we can.
Support Services
BBGC provides vital bereavement and befriending services.
Befriending Service
The service is open to anyone who feels that they are not coping at the moment and just needs to share.
We pride ourselves on looking after everyone who reaches out to us. You have made the first step by looking at our website, and whether you need support now or in the future, we will always be here to accept you, listen to you and offer help.
Bereavement Support
Part of the befriending service is also our children’s and young persons ‘ bereavement support. Sometimes, during times of grief we forget that the children in our lives have also suffered loss.
But loss does not just mean losing a family member: it could be a pet, someone famous or even just falling out and losing your best friend. Loss faces us all at some point or other in our lives.
As a young person, the last person you may want to talk to is the person closest to you – sometimes it can help to discuss your thoughts with someone more impartial.
Suicide Prevention
Lots of people are not aware that one of the most important roles we play is to help and support young people affected by self harming, bullying, anxiety and depression, counselling and bereavement to young people and their families with the loss of a child is vital. The demand on this service has never been so great and we are trying to keep this work sustained. Please help us help them
Our young people know that they can come to us about anything, not only during session but whenever they need us!
Emotional and Behavioural support for young people in schools.
Alternative Provision for schools year 10 and 11 to avoid managed moves (fee for this service)
Hire a youth worker - £20 an hour
Get in touch
Please feel free to contact us using the form below and we will contact you back at a time that suits you.